Today was a good day! I accomplished the first step in one of many goals I will be setting forth. This is where the "Logistics" of my blog title comes in to play. The whats of getting to the goal.
I have to start out though in all honesty about yesterday and the day before....they were rotten days. For some aweful reason the last 2 days I have been eating all the wrong things. Last night...was Panda. Sure they have some vegi's I could have chose from...but did I ?...NO! How did I feel afterwards?.... like a giant blob of lard. My stomache hurt so bad. I am thinking that my choices over the last couple days are reminding me about all the aweful choices I have made in the past...and repeating them in the last couple days, so I remember how horrible it feels to eat food that is not the best choices.
K, enough said about the bad and the ugly...time to move forward to today and look at the good!
One thing I have shared is that I would love to be getting into and on top of the mountains, hiking and enjoying the scenery. Today, I did the first hike! It was a mile hike. Granted it was probably one of the easiest hikes one could do in the mountains, as many would call it a walk, but with this weight of mine at 8500 feet above sea level....I did have a couple moments I was huffing and puffing. Did I enjoy it? Hell yes! It was a cool day up at the higher elevations as it was raining off and on. I did enjoy the smells. I love the smell of damp pine needles on the forest floor, camp fires and rain. It was a good day! I am glad it was cooler weather, because I totaly forgot about the possiblity of needing bug spray and if the weather would have been nicer, I would have been eaten alive. Me and bugs do not get along! It was a marshy grass border around the lake, so yikes if it had been nicer. (I did get a few bites just so ya know)
Even though the weather did not look good, I was happy, because I was able to bypass the excuse I could have used and went for it! Another issue I have to over come...excuses that I lay before myself to not push myself to go for it.
I was talking to a friend this week and he suggested I make a plan each week and write it down! He had a friend who had lost alot of weight and a key factor for him was to make a plan each week of how to make your goals come to life! He spent about 2 hours on Sundays writing it all down. I started on that key today. I have more work at focusing on the how, but I also included a shopping list as a how factor. I wrote down only healthy choices! And I shopped it! This week I need to start logging what I eat so I can see the calories I am taking in. I have a great web site which I have used off and on to log a food diary. It counts calories and exercise! I need to get back at that! Another thing to be accountable for. So, I ask someone to please ask me if I started logging my food this next week..OK?!
Step one of many to come, accomplished today and I feel good! Better than yesterday and the day before! Making steps towards health one step at a time even if it is all uphill!
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